Monday, May 08, 2006


I am only
but you
break me once
rebreak me once

mercifully re
violently re
_______ paired
constantly re
of the cracks beneath my

of my dust upon your
fingers I am
upon your
fingers I am
________china I am
_____________broken I am


At 8:58 AM, Blogger JnR said...

this is perfect! with your permission i'd like to put it to music, i think it would make a beautiful song.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Erin said...

sure thing Jenn, I would love to hear your beautiful voice singing my words. Good to hear from you, by the way.

At 7:52 AM, Blogger JnR said...

wahoo! the next chart topper is on the way.. good to talk to you too, ive been crazy at work and i just realized yesterday that i could access your blog from work(there are some crazy restrictions when working for the gov't lol) it sucks that i don't have hotmail or msn here but this is almost as good..and there's yay! can't wait for you to hear the finished product.
hugs and such


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