Wednesday, April 26, 2006


For Jenn.

See how we
_____gather here
beneath your
green shade
your budding laughter
________________(did you know that you're a tree?)

see how these weary birds
_________________perch in your
the branches of your joy
I see the______roots
the knarled dreams the
_________weathered longings
carved into your

Be steady now,
my dear
Be firm and
(you were planted, remember?)
Reach out your limbs to
but don't be afraid to

The Wind must shake us all
sometimes and

even willows


At 8:43 AM, Blogger JnR said...

way to make me cry woman! its beautiful, thank you!! the letter was so sweet!! i heart you so much!!! i would not have anyone else read my book either, just so you know, i trust you with it implicitly. have a great summer and i look forward to reading your poetry on your blog so make sure you update(remember, i'm a review whore so dont be stingy!:P )heart you as big as an elephant.
-jennifer joan

At 4:52 PM, Blogger JnR said...

just read it again...hearts you!!

At 3:56 PM, Blogger said...

I like this mostly, but the last line is cliche.

At 3:53 PM, Blogger Erin said...

yeah, you're right Noah. I guess I got a little carried away my sentimentality.

At 5:34 PM, Blogger valerie salerie said...

...which is a super rare exposure of Erin's :)

take care sister--thinking of you in Toronto.


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