Monday, December 04, 2006

Here.'s here in the elipse

because I have burnt my tongue on my coffee again
(I like my coffee hot)
and when it scalds my throat
_______going down
well, at least I know that I have it all
safe on the inside's here in the elipse

because my thigh muscles complain with every step
in protest, perhaps to the
of sharp, foreign objects invading the flesh
(but needles don't hurt)'s here in the elipse

because everybody is in a hurry when it
and I am too, but I have no umbrella so I am
wet all the same's here in the elipse
I live


I can't make it
mean anything
until you


whatever it is you were (not) saying about the coffee
and the needles
and the rain
when your SILENCE was so


At 6:45 PM, Blogger katelynn said...

Wow. Your writing is so honest that it hurts.
I'll walk in the rain with you.


At 4:49 AM, Blogger valerie salerie said...

maybe interuption is good though
-the burning of the coffee
-the pain of the needle
-the sodden feeling of rain
reminds us that we're still living

At 10:37 AM, Blogger Erin said...



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