Friday, February 03, 2006

the blackest "ism"

Just as offensive as all the other "isms" and yet, somehow darker- full of dried blood and dirty secrets, clothed in blackest velvet. The word itself is kind of satisfying, though; beginning with an "r" and all (r is such a gutsy letter). The "m" is a nice finale, mmmmm for silent (dis)agreement. And let's not forget the "c", burried in the middle, hiding her face in vowels. Racccccce- was that a serpant's hiss?

I guess we don't really like to talk abot racism in our "Hi-I'm-Canada-and-I'm-a-cultural-mosaic" society- but maybe we should. Maybe we should talk about it instead of trying to serve McCurry and pretending that we have no sense of "us" and "them".

I hate racism. I think we all hate it, and I think what we hate most about it is that this hungry monster resides in each of our chests. This beast who wants us to put people in boxes so that we can pretend we actually understand this world. So that we can pretend we are God, or (at the very least), that God agrees with us, agrees with our people.

Today in sociology we watched a video where they interviewed this guy from "The Church of the Creator" (a white-supremacy organization). The video said that this group even has propaganda websites geared toward children. As a Christian, this made me very angry. I do not think God enjoys being a justification for our ignorance.

But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.
- Jesus
Matthew 18:6


At 11:23 AM, Blogger JnR said...

irish; i could not agree more. I think we hate racism so much because, underneath it all, we fear we have it in us. I also agree that God is weary on being called down on both sides; he gave us free will therefore if we want to believe in something we shouldn't blame it on God, it should be on us and only us. -m

At 8:09 AM, Blogger valerie salerie said...

althgh this is an older post, but b/c i know this issue is still important to you today, check out the movie "Freedomland" (a semblance of "Crash", as some have debated) it'll be in theatres soon


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