Saturday, March 31, 2007

nothing else

So I did lose my art in you
between erasing kisses, I guess
and silvery threads of love
that weave or tie
depending on the moon

I lost it in words like
which became erosion
from all our
lapping and lapping
against them

jagged edges
are something, anyway
some kind of substance
but now
replaced by the smooth warm rock face
(not even sharp enough to bleed)
good for sunbathing
nothing else

It's only you now
who gets to make the rain your weeping
leaving me to gather in puddles
not strong or deep or beautiful
just wet

So I relent
the warm brown of your arm and your name
around my waist
have become my borders,
but not my canvas
mud never was good for painting

Lucky for me
dirt knows no loss, no paint ,no tears
excellent stuff, you say,
wonderful for gardens
but think
(if you ever thought to ask)
it's only good for growing
nothing else


At 10:46 PM, Blogger Jerry said...

I love this one.


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