Thursday, December 20, 2007

Until Dark

What I am going to tell you here
will take me until dark
and the white yawn of a moon grown weary
will be upon your cheek
when I have spoken enough galaxies
to contain it.

You will not sleep
until blackness has overfilled the western trees
and spilt upon the blue hems of night
bleeding upwards to God,
who is also listening.

Then when I have finished
we will both exhale
and our sleep-breaths will become tides
seeking out the hollow places and secret caves
to fill and recede,
fill and recede
lapping hard against the stony wall of morning.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

[first snow will come to the hollow places]

first snow will come to the hollow places
always to the hollow places
or the tips of the eyelash
the softer sides of a cheek
delightful, flirtatious
and white

though now less white than once

and her end will be the same
year after year
old lady winter cold on fence posts
reduced to salt stains
finding no warm breath left
on lips turned already blue.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

the kingdom

you are the kingdom
come down here
leaving apple juice and animal crackers
in you wake

the new manna

you are the good measure
warm, soft and
running over in my lap
you ask
for a story
though all the stories of the world
tell themselves over and over
in your eyes

too young to have their own

I carry you to bed
but you hardly know
little one
how it is you who carries me through the night
with your head on my shoulder
and your tiny fingers

which could hold galaxies

and all the rivers and oceans of heaven

content to hold my own.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

How we can be silent

You find a new way to say it, then
cause it's always been the same to me
and all the other ordinary stars
lips, cheeks and
have always sucked the blood
back through
ancient veins and clotted earths
it's not love,
that changed
And you can take a number, too
behind all the other
unpoisoned Juliets.
The poets weren't first
and neither are you,
to try and wrap up heaven like a wedding
then make all the trees
lie down,
as if it's yours alone
the kiss
the goddess food,
the dark green surrender
how we can be silent

Monday, June 04, 2007

[lightening is creation]

lightening is
one rib at a time
same break
down the centre jagged not
same sky
green with the
dead weight of watching
things catch fire
same thunder
you're talking to yourself again
trees applaud but aren't
good company and can't even
bless or
curse you for the
rain or
tremble in the aftermath
in the broken flowers of your rage
lightening is
one rib at a time and
it always hits the lowest place

so duck.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

[breathe on me] thoughts on May evenings

breathe on me
so I can
smell all of your
lilac-coloured inhalations
and lay me down
in lonely green
feilds that could
just as easily be your arms
set me to tree-music
and dance your
fireflys and cocky tulips
to all my songs
for once
in the white shadow of a
single-minded moon
perfect blue evenings
on the back of my neck
in that way you
of pretending your
is any
than just

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

break and
wash me

cherry wine and
sunburned knees

days and
_____days and

ocean flows to river

no need to
hold your breath so,
lets just


you make me
